Shopify agency - sales increase from Munich

Shopify Partner

As a competent Shopify expert and Shopify partner, we know how to convert visitors into paying customers.

Would you like to improve the design, sales or conversion rate of your Shopify store?

Our experts will check your store in detail. You will receive specific recommendations from us on how to improve the design, usability and how you can generate more sales with your store.

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"The best design is not the one that makes your business look cool, exciting and sophisticated. The best design supports conversion, leaves room for good and powerful calls to action, and gets people to click the button."

Brian Massey, Founder @Conversion Sciences

Customer results
after a few weeks

+ 108%
Total turnover
+ 78%
Store sessions
+ 17%
Conversion rate
+ 118%
+ 484%
Total turnover
+ 111%
Store sessions
+ 134%
Conversion rate
+ 411%
+ 23%
Total turnover
+ 13%
Store sessions
+ 28%
Conversion rate
+ 41%
Shopify customer results
Shopify customer results
Shopify customer results

Why you should optimize your Shopify

Concrete recommendations for action

We will provide you with a list of specific recommendations for optimizing your store and increasing sales.

Revenue-oriented prioritization

Thanks to our many years of experience, we can perfectly assess which measures will really have an impact on sales. Our focus is always on the highest return on investment.

Quick wins that can be implemented immediately

Our analysis provides you with insights that you can implement immediately. As a result, an investment in the Shopify audit often pays for itself after the first month.

You can't wait to get started with us?

To the free initial consultation

What we check in the Shopify

After an initial kick-off call, we will check your Shopify store intensively for various sub-areas. After our review, you will receive a comprehensive presentation with existing problems and possible suggestions for improvement for a higher conversion rate and more sales.

Loading time
Conversion Elements
User guidance

Our services as a Shopify agency

Concrete problem

Do you have a specific problem or need a customized solution such as template development?
Contact us and we will discuss your individual requirements.

Contact us
Best Seller

Shopify Audit

We check your store for:

  • Loading time & performance
  • Best Practice &
    Trust elements
  • General Usability (UX/UI)
  • Branding
  • User guidance
  • Concrete recommendations for action
Start audit now

Long term support

We are also happy to advise you in a long-term collaboration and scale sales and your store together.

Contact us

Our customers

Car world Simon
Car world Simon
Car world Simon
Car world Simon
Car world Simon

Of course, all optimizations can be measured and evaluated through meaningful tracking.

"I know half of my advertising is money thrown out. I just don't know which half." - Henry Ford

Without a solid quantitative database, you should no longer make decisions about your store, your marketing or optimization measures. To ensure that you have full transparency of your online activities at all times, a numbers-based strategy is always an important part of our offering.

In a long-term collaboration, you will always receive a report on the results of our measures.

More than enough experience & exceptional growth as a Shopify agency.

Since 2017, we have already supported many clients as a Shopify agency and helped them achieve the most important KPIs. Our team consists of experts who have also achieved success in the online marketing space well before the agency was founded.

Get advice now

Shopify Agency - FAQ

What is a Shopify agency and what does it offer?

A Shopify agency specializes in the development, design and optimization of e-commerce websites on the Shopify platform. It offers a variety of services, including website design and development, integration of payment and shipping solutions, theme customization, SEO optimization, marketing strategies, training and support.

Golden Web Age is a full-service agency that specializes in Shopify. We offer our customers all services related to the e-commerce platform. 

How do I find the right Shopify agency for my company?

Choosing the right Shopify agency requires thorough research and evaluation. Steps include reviewing portfolios, reading client reviews, checking references, checking the agency's experience and expertise, and considering budget and project requirements.

Contact us and together we will find out whether Golden Web Age is the right Shopify agency for your company.

What are the advantages of working with a Shopify agency?

Working with a Shopify agency offers numerous benefits, including professional design and development, access to expert knowledge, time savings, customized solutions, marketing assistance, ongoing support and maintenance, and the opportunity to benefit from proven best practices.

With Golden Web Age, you have a long-standing Shopify expert at your side.

How much does support from a Shopify agency cost?

The cost of support from a Shopify agency varies depending on the scope and complexity of the project, the services offered, the expertise of the agency and other factors. Feel free to contact us for a customized quote, tailored to your needs. 

What services does a typical Shopify agency provide?

A typical Shopify agency offers services such as website design and development, customization of Shopify themesintegration of payment and shipping solutions, Shopify SEOmarketing strategies, training and ongoing support.

What are the most important criteria for identifying a good Shopify agency?

Key criteria include experience and expertise, portfolio quality, client reviews and references, communication skills, flexibility, budget transparency and the ability to provide customized solutions that meet the needs of the business.

How long does it usually take for a Shopify agency to develop my e-commerce website?

The development time for an e-commerce website can vary depending on the scope of the project. As a rule, smaller websites can be developed within a few weeks, while larger and more complex projects can take longer.

Does a Shopify agency also offer support and maintenance after website development?

Yes, many Shopify agencies offer ongoing support and maintenance services after website development. This can include troubleshooting, content updates, security checks, performance optimization and other services.

How can a Shopify agency support my e-commerce business with marketing?

A Shopify agency can assist with marketing by developing customized marketing strategies, performing SEO optimization, setting up advertising campaigns, running social media marketing, developing content marketing strategies, and performing analytics to maximize the effectiveness of marketing efforts.

What are the differences between a Shopify agency and an independent Shopify expert?

A Shopify agency is a company that offers a variety of services, while an independent Shopify expert is usually a single person who specializes in specific aspects such as development, design or marketing. Agencies often have broader expertise and more resources, while experts can often offer specific expertise and more personalized attention.

What role do Shopify agencies play in search engine marketing (SEO) and search engine advertising (SEA)?

Shopify agencies can play a crucial role in search engine marketing and search engine advertising by developing SEO strategies to improve visibility in search results and creating effective SEA campaigns to generate qualified traffic and increase sales.

As a Shopify agency, Golden Web Age offers SEO and SEA specifically for the e-commerce platform, giving you marketing that is perfectly tailored to your online store. 

Do Shopify agencies also offer training courses or workshops for customers to support them in using the platform?

Yes, many Shopify agencies offer training and workshops for their clients to help them get to grips with the platform. These trainings can cover topics such as website management, product updating, marketing strategies and analytics tools.

Golden Web Age offers a Shopify Coaching where we can train you individually.

How is the success of a collaboration with a Shopify agency measured?

The success of a collaboration with a Shopify agency can be measured using various criteria, including sales increase, conversion rate, traffic growth, search engine rankings, customer loyalty and satisfaction, and ROI on marketing investments.

How long does it take for a Shopify marketing agency to deliver initial results?

The time until first results are achieved by a Shopify marketing agency can vary depending on the specific marketing strategies and tactics, the competitive situation, the target group and other factors. However, initial results can usually be expected within a few weeks to months, depending on the complexity of the project.

How does Shopify work?

Shopify is an e-commerce platform that allows businesses to create and manage online stores. With Shopify, users can sell products online, accept payments, set shipping options and much more. The platform offers various tools and features, such as easy integration of payment and shipping services, user-friendly website creation and management, and marketing and analytics tools. Users can choose from various rate plans that offer different features and support options.

How much does Shopify cost?

The cost of Shopify starts at $29 per month for the Basic plan and can go up to $299 per month for the Advanced plan. There is also a free trial for 14 days. Additional costs may apply if you want to use certain apps or services. Here we have listed the Shopify costs explained in more detail.

Why Shopify is ahead of the competition?

Shopify is ahead of the competition because it offers an easy-to-use platform that allows for quick online store setup. The platform also offers a wide range of professional templates and apps that can extend the functionality of the store. Shopify also offers comprehensive payment and shipping integration, as well as a user-friendly dashboard for managing orders and products. Customer support is also an important factor, as Shopify offers a comprehensive knowledge base and 24/7 customer support.

Who is Shopify suitable for?

Shopify is suitable for businesses and individuals who want to create an online store to sell products. The platform is suitable for businesses of all sizes and industries, from small retailers to large companies. Shopify is also suitable for people who don't have programming knowledge, since it offers a user-friendly platform with simple tools and functions.