Shopify Coaching - Build & market your Shopify Shop

Golden Web Age is a Shopify partner and e-commerce expert, we help you build a profitable Shopify store!

Web design agency

Are you just starting out and want to be able to set up and manage your own Shopify store independently of expensive agencies and freelancers? Then you need Shopify coaching that takes you by the hand and shows you the basics!

To train your expertise

You can't do everything in your store, but you should at least have an overview everywhere. With Shopify coaching, you'll learn the basics and stop being led around by the nose by agencies and freelancers.


So that you can react quickly

As a store owner, you sometimes have to react and adapt at lightning speed. So that you don't have to wait for others and can do it yourself, we'll show you how.


Little effort, great leverage

As your coach, we'll show you the tricks that will help you get the most out of the least amount of effort.

Step by step guide

From the idea to the finished store. We'll help you set up a Shopify store of absolute premium quality in just a few weeks, and you'll receive step-by-step instructions that leave nothing untreated. In addition, we are always there for you personally if something doesn't work right away.

Benefit from the experience of others

When launching an online store, there are a few pitfalls that you often fall into, especially as a beginner. As your Shopify coach, we help you to avoid these hurdles in advance, saving you a lot of time, nerves and money.

Shopify Coach - from beginner to expert with us
Secure a free initial consultation now

Frequently asked questions about Shopify Coaching

Who is Shopify Coaching suitable for?

Our coaching program is suitable for different starting points, we can help you if:

  • - You have a product that you want to sell online
  • - You already sell products on marketplaces such as Etsy or Amazon and now want your own online store
  • - You are dissatisfied with your current store solution and want to relaunch it.
  • - You want to become less dependent on freelancers and agencies.
  • - want to improve your expertise in Shopify and online marketing.
Is the coaching useful for absolute Shopify laymen?

The coaching is also suitable for absolute Shopify beginners. Without any previous knowledge, you will benefit greatly from the steep learning curve. You can build a modern, competitive store right from the start and avoid making annoying mistakes that end up costing you a lot of money.

I already have a Shopify store, can you still help me?

If you already have a Shopify store but still need help, Shopify Coaching is ideal for you. We can help you understand all the functions and correct any mistakes you have already made. So we help you exactly where you need help to guarantee the greatest learning effect for you individually.

I already sell on other platforms but want my own Shopify store, does coaching make sense for me?

If you already sell your products on other platforms, your own Shopify store can be the next important step for your company. As your Shopify coach, we can provide you with exactly what you need for a successful store launch.

Who from Golden Web Age will be your Shopify Coach?

During your Shopify coaching, you will immerse yourself in the world of Shopify together with Christian Waske, our Managing Director. Christian will be your personal contact and can assist you via email, WhatsApp, Slack or Google Meet.

How does communication work in Shopify Coaching?

Our Shopify coaching is structured in such a way that you always know exactly what to do and can contact us if you have any questions.


  • - First you will receive a step-by-step guide in which all the steps relevant to you are defined.
  • - We are also always available for you via group chat and will answer you as quickly as possible.
  • - You can also arrange a video call to discuss your challenges together.
  • - In addition, we have resources, templates and templates for you to take a direct shortcut to your own Shopify store.
  • - For us, cooperation cooperation at eye level extremely important, we work together towards a common goal, your successful Shopify store.
Why should you create your Shopify store yourself?
  • - If you have set up your store yourself, then you know about the functions and can act quickly at any time if necessary.
  • - You are independent of freelancers or agencies who mainly want to earn money, if you do it yourself, you can put all your passion into your own store.
  • - You save money and can invest the budget in other processes, such as Shopify marketing or Shopify SEO.- All important decisions remain with you.

You probably know that working on your own projects brings with it unparalleled motivation. Benefit from this motivation and create your own Shopify store.

What do I learn in Shopify Coaching?

As your Shopify coach, we accompany you and train you to become a Shopify expert yourself. This takes place in 1-to-1 video calls and via chat function. We support you in all areas that come into play in your project.

We can help you start from scratch by supporting you in creating your Shopify store yourself. If you already have a store but want to build up further expertise, we can also advise you based on your previous performance and develop suggestions for improvement.

How long does Shopify coaching take?

The Shopify coaching takes place over a period of 4 weeks, during which time you will learn everything you need to know to run a successful e-commerce store. Afterwards, you will be ready to run your store independently.

Can I adapt the coaching to my individual needs?

Of course, together we will determine which areas are particularly important to you. We then deal with the exact topics individually according to your needs so that you can fill your knowledge gaps at the end.

What results can I expect after the coaching?

The results you can expect depend on you. We support you with your store and provide you with the knowledge you need to set up and manage your Shopify store and be profitable in e-commerce.

Do you offer support with the selection of apps and plugins for my Shopify store?

The right apps and plugins are part of a successful Shopify store, and we'll share our experiences with you so that you can use the apps that make sense for you.

Are advanced topics also covered during the coaching, such as SEO optimization or conversion rate optimization?

Advanced topics such as SEO optimization or conversion rate optimization can also be part of the coaching, you can freely choose the focus of your coaching. This allows you to decide for yourself which aspects are most important to you.

What happens if I still have questions after the coaching?

Our coaching is designed so that you finish the coaching without any unanswered questions. Nevertheless, you may reach your limits from time to time. In most cases, the knowledge we impart to you will enable you to work out a solution yourself. If you get stuck, you can also extend your consultation and we will support you again.