Shopify cross-selling & upselling more sales through apps


Lukas Schmidt, September 3, 2024

Shopify cross-selling & upselling more sales through apps

Reading time: 7 minutes

Upselling and cross-selling are common practices in e-commerce. In this article, I would like to explain the basics and go into the implementation in Shopify. I'll also give you some examples of how you can integrate upselling and cross-selling offers into your Shopify store.

What is upselling?

Upselling describes a sales strategy in which the customer is offered a more expensive and higher-quality product than the one they originally showed interest in. The aim is to increase sales by persuading the customer to buy a product with a higher price or additional functions. For this purpose, it is advantageous to have several product variants in the range.

Shopify cross-selling & upselling more sales through apps, Golden Web Age GmbH

Apple has perfected upselling and always offers its products in several variants. The price is chosen precisely so that the upgrade appears to make sense. Once the customer has decided to choose the higher-priced model, the next better product variant is already tempting.

What is cross-selling?

Cross-selling is a sales strategy in which customers are offered complementary or related products in addition to the product they wish to purchase. The aim of cross-selling is to increase the average revenue per customer by offering customers products that complement their original purchase.

These can simply be recommendations of suitable products on the product pages, recommended products in the checkout, or the granting of discounts from a certain number of products purchased.

Which apps are available for Shopify upsell and cross-sell?

In Shopify, upselling and cross-selling is solved via Shopify apps. As this method is generally used in e-commerce, there are also numerous different apps. Each one has a slightly different functionality. I would like to introduce you to my six favorites here. Each app offers different functions that can help you to increase the average order value (AOV) and improve the shopping experience for your customers.

Shopify cross-selling & upselling more sales through apps, Golden Web Age GmbH

1. zipify OneClickUpsell


  • Offers both pre- and post-purchase upsells.
  • Integrated A/B tests to optimize the upsell funnels.
  • Supports seamless one-click purchases.


  • Easy to use and offers comprehensive control over upsell offers.
  • Very effective functions for increasing sales.


  • Can be expensive, as the costs are based on the turnover generated by upsells.

Price: From 35 USD/month plus 1% of upsell revenue.

Shopify cross-selling & upselling more sales through apps, Golden Web Age GmbH

2. reConvert


  • Optimization of the "Thank You" page with personalized upsell and cross-sell offers.
  • Countdown timer, surveys and birthday tracking.


  • Simple drag-and-drop interface for designing upsell pages.
  • Inexpensive compared to other tools.


  • The range of functions at lower price levels is limited.

Price: From 4.99 USD/month.

Shopify cross-selling & upselling more sales through apps, Golden Web Age GmbH

3. vitals


  • All-in-one marketing app with over 40 tools, including upsells, cross-sells, countdown timers and pre-order options.
  • Offers volume discounts and product recommendations.


  • Extensive functions in a single app.
  • High flexibility in the creation of upsell and cross-sell offers.


  • Somewhat complicated setup and no free plan available.

Price: 29.99 USD/month.

Shopify cross-selling & upselling more sales through apps, Golden Web Age GmbH

4. selleasy


  • Amazon-like "Frequently Bought Together" bundles.
  • Post-purchase upsells on the "Thank You" page.
  • Multicurrency and multilanguage support.


  • Very user-friendly and cost-effective.
  • Supports global stores with multilingual and currency-specific customizations.


  • Limited customization options compared to more expensive tools.

Price: From 7.99 USD/month.

Shopify cross-selling & upselling more sales through apps, Golden Web Age GmbH

5. rebuy personalization engine


  • AI-driven personalization to optimize the customer experience.
  • Allows the creation of complex cross-sell and upsell offers based on customer behavior.


  • Very powerful personalization options.
  • Improved conversion rate through targeted offers.


  • High price and complex set-up.

Price: From 99 USD/month.

Shopify cross-selling & upselling more sales through apps, Golden Web Age GmbH

6. candy rack


  • Provides instant one-click upsells directly in the shopping cart.
  • Supports multi-product upsells so that several products can be offered at the same time.
  • Simple drag-and-drop interface for creating quotations.
  • Dynamic product recommendations based on customer behavior.


  • Extremely user-friendly, with a quick setup process.
  • Offers a high degree of flexibility in the design and placement of upsell offers.
  • Enables the average order value to be increased without disrupting the purchase process.


  • The analysis and reporting functions are rather limited compared to other tools.
  • May be less effective with a very large number of products or complex catalogs.

Price: From 29 USD/month, with a 14-day free trial.

Which Shopify app is right for you?

If you're looking for a comprehensive solution, Vitals offers a variety of features that can cover all your needs. For simple but effective upsells and cross-sells, ReConvert and Selleasy are great low-cost options. Zipify OneClickUpsell and Rebuy are ideal if you're willing to invest in powerful personalization and extensive A/B testing to significantly increase your sales.

Choosing the right app depends heavily on your specific requirements and your budget.

Common Shopify cross-selling strategies

Cross-selling is all about introducing customers to other products without reducing the conversion rate. The number of offers is therefore essential in order to increase sales per order.

1. relevant cross-selling products

One of the most important points is the relevance of the product recommendations offered. You should therefore consider at least one relevant cross-selling product for each of your products. If you offer the same products everywhere, very few customers will choose additional products.

2. discounts and favorable cross-sells

Cross-selling products should not cost more than 25% of the selected product. The supplementary items should therefore serve more as useful accessories to the main item.

3. time-limited offers

It is also promising to suggest urgency to the customer. This can usually increase conversion even further. To convey a sense of urgency, you can integrate time-limited offers, for example as a pop-up. You can also combine this type of offer with a discount to encourage spontaneous purchases.

4. keep the resistance low

When cross-selling, it is important that you achieve as little friction as possible. Therefore, decide exactly which personalized recommendations should be displayed. Under no circumstances do you want your customer to have to think long and hard about the additional purchase. Otherwise you risk them not making a purchase. Therefore, pay attention to compatibility.

5. personalized recommendations

To maximize the success of cross-selling, you should rely on personalized recommendations. Use customer data such as purchase history, search behavior and preferences to offer products that are relevant to the respective customer. The better the recommendations are tailored to the customer's individual tastes, the more likely the customer is to purchase additional items. Personalization can be achieved through the use of AI-driven tools or through manual analysis and selection.

6. bundles and packages

Creating product bundles is an effective way to increase the value of the shopping cart. By offering related products at a reduced total price, you can entice the customer to buy more than they had originally planned. Bundles not only create an additional incentive to buy, but also give the feeling of having made a good deal, which increases customer satisfaction.

7. cross-selling after the purchase

Cross-selling does not necessarily have to take place before the purchase is completed. You can also cross-sell offers after the purchase, for example on the "Thank You" page or in the order confirmation email. This is particularly effective as the customer already has confidence in your business and is more likely to purchase additional items. Post-purchase cross-selling can also focus on future needs of the customer, such as spare parts or complementary products.

8. Visual highlighting of cross-sells

Make sure your cross-selling offers are visually appealing and highly visible. Use clear and attractive images, concise descriptions and eye-catching CTA buttons to grab the customer's attention. A well-designed layout can make the difference between a customer adding an additional product to their shopping cart or not. Make sure that the offers are well integrated into the design of your store without being intrusive.

9. integrate cross-selling into the shopping cart

Take the opportunity to cross-sell products directly in the shopping cart before the customer proceeds to checkout. This is a crucial moment when the customer may not have fully finalized their purchase decision and is open to additional offers. You can make simple and clear suggestions here for related products that complement the main purchase without overwhelming the customer.

10. Use of social proof

Integrate customer reviews and recommendations into your cross-selling strategy. If customers see that other buyers have had positive experiences with the suggested products, they are more likely to buy them. Social proof increases trust and can significantly increase the conversion rate. You can do this through "Customers who bought this product also bought..." sections or by displaying bestsellers and top reviews.

Conclusion: Up- and cross-selling - a must for every Shopify merchant

Upselling and cross-selling are essential strategies in e-commerce to increase the average order value and maximize sales. These techniques give you the opportunity to offer your customers targeted, high-quality or complementary products that add value to their original purchase. By using specialized Shopify apps like Zipify OneClickUpsell, ReConvert, Vitals, Selleasy, Rebuy, and Candy Rack, you can effectively integrate these strategies into your Shopify store. Choosing the right app depends on your specific needs and budget.

In addition to technical tools, it is important to combine cross-selling with thoughtful strategies such as personalizing offers, integrating bundles, limited-time offers and visual highlighting in the shopping cart. These approaches ensure that your customers receive relevant and attractive offers, which not only increases sales, but also customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Overall, implementing upselling and cross-selling is an effective way to fully exploit the potential of your e-commerce store and achieve long-term success. As a Shopify agency, we offer the implementation of up- and cross-selling strategies as part of our conversion-optimized web design, and of course we are also happy to advise you explicitly on cross-sell and upsell.

Frequently asked questions

What is the difference between upselling and cross-selling in Shopify?

Upselling and cross-selling are two important strategies to increase sales in Shopify stores. Upselling refers to encouraging the customer to purchase a higher value product, while cross-selling aims to recommend similar products that complement the original purchase. Both techniques can be automated through dedicated cross-selling apps to improve the overall customer experience.

How can cross-selling apps support my business?

Cross-selling apps help maximize product in the shopping cart by recommending similar products that the customer may find interesting. These apps can automatically display product recommendations based on the purchasing decisions of other customers or the user's previous behavior. In this way, they increase the likelihood of customers purchasing multiple items.

How can I implement upselling in my Shopify store?

To implement upselling effectively in your Shopify store, you can use a cross-selling app that has been specially developed for this purpose. An important aspect is the presentation of upselling offers on the product page, where customers have the option to choose a higher value product or purchase additional features. These offers should be clear and appealing in order to increase the conversion rate.

How much turnover can I increase through upselling and cross-selling?

The increase in sales through upselling and cross-selling can be significant. Many online stores report an increase in total sales of up to 30% after implementing these strategies. With 50 orders per month, this could mean additional revenue of several hundred euros, depending on the price of the higher value products or the corresponding products being sold.


Luke Schmidt

Senior SEO Consultant

As an SEO expert and content marketing manager, Lukas successfully increases the visibility of our clients in Google. He shares his in-depth knowledge of online marketing, SEO, e-commerce and Shopify on the Golden Web Age blog.

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